Why do hotel businesses today choose to use ERP Software?

 Why do hotel businesses today choose to use ERP Software?

It probably isn't strange anymore to use the software in business management in order to make the sale of your room possible quickly and to meet the needs of today's customers who are likely to use Hotel booking software, and continue to book other services more and more; such as, booking rooms through the hotel's website or booking through OTAs, along with booking other activities that the hotel offers, such as booking a restaurant for a special night. or booking a spa course, etc.

Hotel and accommodation operators You must be familiar with using software to help manage room sales and services, more or less. Because you can use software to help. Since the offering (Whether it is selling through sales agents, OTAs, agents or selling directly through the hotel's website (Direct Booking)) booking, receiving payment Including after-sales service such as issuing a receipt Forwarding orders for products and services to the team within the hotel who must take care of responding to customer needs.  

The question is, which software do hotel and accommodation operators choose to use? Are you ok yet?

If you explore your organization Including the work of the team And found these things...

In a period of growth: If your organization is growing or are planning to grow significantly

Need for a merger or acquisition: For example, the parent organization needs to improve company-wide systems. for the company to grow 

Legacy software is outdated: An organization's current system is outdated and not ready for upgrades. or no longer adequately serves businesses and users.

Strategic Roadmap: Organizations with forward-thinking executives have outlined business technology roadmaps that include new enterprise solutions.

Duplication of work : such as the Front Office and other departments such as restaurants, housekeeping, accounting, that work between departments has some overlapping work steps. And software should come in to help make that work less difficult, such as how between the front office and the accounting department transfer personal data of customers. Customer information must be entered into the PMA system, separated from the accounting system.  

Service inconvenience Restaurants cannot enter dining information into customer folio in the same system. Dining expenses must be charged separately from room payments. which customers stay Sometimes it is not convenient to carry your wallet out of the room. To go do various activities within the hotel

Work errors: The housekeeping system does not connect to the PMS system, causing many times the delivery of rooms to guests is not ready and errors occur.

If you have surveyed and you have at least 3 of the above 5 things, you are suitable to consider. Enterprise software In order to increase the good staying experience for customers. in order to reduce errors and in order to reduce redundant work of the team

What about enterprise software? that is suitable for the hotel and accommodation business What kind of software is it?  

You are a hotel manager. And you are already using a PMS but feel that the system still does not meet the needs of your team? There is still redundant work. Delayed delivery of rooms to guests Must re-enter customer information over and over 

Software that will help organizations Throughout the time that I have been advising on ERP and Change Management, I have advised organizations to consider using Hospitality ERP software to manage their hotels and accommodations. 

Hospitality ERP software is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software with outstanding capabilities. There are specific functions for hotel and accommodation businesses. (Including businesses that are continuous from the hotel business such as restaurants, spas, activities, etc.) is a fully integrated business technology that helps various organizations A single system (single software) can be used to manage the hotel's work processes. This software, collectively called Hospitality ERP Software, focuses on accounting and operations. With a single database as the organization's primary source of information, ERP software is now the leading software of choice for growing hospitality businesses looking to maintain and improve their competitive advantage. 

What the Hospitality ERP Software can do for the hotel business? 

Known as ERP, it must definitely be a system that can be used to manage the entire organization as a single software, but what's more special is that it is a single software that can be used by the entire organization. and has the following main abilities: 

1. Property Management System (PMS) or Front Office Module is a front-end management system. Used to manage the number of rooms, starting from the number of available rooms The room is currently occupied. Rooms being cleaned each day. Making room reservations. Changing rooms each day Creating various types of daily reports Working with the housekeeping department to inform whether the room has been cleaned or not. So that the front desk will know which rooms can be accommodated by customers, etc.

2. House Keeping The housekeeping system is a system for scheduling the housekeeper's work schedule and managing other related resources. To help control costs And the system also helps show the status of each room. whether they are ready to provide service or not As soon as the room status is changed by the housekeeping department staff The system will send information about the status of that room to the reception department. Makes it convenient and fast and helps reduce errors in providing services to guests very well

3. Reservation Management is a room reservation system. That helps in storing the booking history of customers individually. or as a group, enter the customer database (Customer Data Platform). In addition, the system can calculate the amount of available rooms in advance at any time. and will be notified immediately when a room reservation is received or sell rooms in quantities greater than the remaining rooms in each period Allows users to confirm room reservations accurately and quickly. Helps solve the problem of accepting more room reservations than the actual number of rooms available (Over booking) 

Room booking system Will be able to connect to famous websites used for booking rooms. With a function called Channel Manager, cutting allotment of rooms will not be a mistake. and the hotel will receive guest information. To be ready for customer certification and further marketing 

4. Central Reservations Office, very important for hotels that have multiple branches or have central management, is a centralized room reservation system. Because you can manage reservations from various channels of all your hotels in one place. Make the booking information that is scattered and disorganized so that it can be managed efficiently. Increase your hotel's competitiveness

5. Membership Management for hotels with multiple properties or businesses who want to strengthen your brand with a membership system that includes collecting points Special dynamic rate discounts, manage membership status separately, discounts, exchanges, giveaways, and can also send emails or SMS to do different marketing with different statuses as well. 

6. Accounting: A real-time accounting system with capabilities ranging from accounts receivable (AR), accounts payable (AP), and general ledger (GL) recording in real time. Inventory management and purchasing (Purchasing), recording the company's assets, expenses, and income. Issuing various tax reports such as purchase-sales tax reports, withholding taxes, etc. 

7. Reports Management System Reports Management System With this module, management receives key operational information. Check-in/check-out report Report on employees and other reports related to hotel operations which affects the decision making and planning of the organization

8. Related Business Modules Hospitality ERP system for hotel business (Hotel Management Software) besides helping you in managing hotels and accommodations. There will be other functions or modules related to the hotel business, such as restaurant management (POS – RESTaurateur), spa management (SPAscheduler), golf course systems. (GOLFmanager), Golf Driving Range System (GOLF Driving Range Software), activity management/booking (ACTIVIties), which these modules Must be able to connect to the hotel system. which is the core business completely (Fully Integrated Software), which means it is still a single software system with a single database. 

ERP-level software is suitable for users who value a single database for all departments of the organization. And give importance to working systematically, orderly and with standards. Choosing the ERP Software system allows you to expand your business easily and quickly. You don't have to worry about how to manage it.

CiMSO ERP Software is software developed by a team of professionals. Who has specific knowledge and ability in international Hospitality. Therefore, various features of the software are features that were created to support the needs of hotel people. It has hotel standards, so it is Ready ERP Software for the hotel, accommodation and resort business. Those who choose to use the Kimso system do not have to waste time going into details. Issue requirement And there is no need to pay for developing a new system. But able to control the budget And be able to be confident that the software will continue to develop. Answer the plaintiff's needs of the hotel business Continue endlessly

It is no surprise that the organization has grown with standards and strength. Will decide to use enterprise software or ERP Software even though it is a high investment and has a process of setting up/installing the system. (Implementation) and training (training) that require more time and determination than choosing general software. But it is a worthwhile investment. Because in the long term You will find that lower costs pay off in good performance. Increased sales and the ERP Software itself increases in value every year (Accounting systems classify ERP Software as one of the organization's assets whose value increases every year). If you read this article and are interested in more information about Hospitality. ERP Software for your hotel, contact CiMSO Southeast Asia.     

Contact us

CiMSO supports customers in transitioning from fragmented legacy software systems to integrated ERP solutions CiMSO also provides support and support for Successful implementation of the new system, where we have service standards under the ISO90003 quality management system and PRINCE II project management principles .

Please contact your local CiMSO office or Value Added Reseller (VAR) for more information on CiMSO 's ERP software suites for Hotels Lodges, Resorts, Clubs , Timeshares . and leasing management 

If you need a consulting system and ERP system for a service business. (Golf software hotel management software Resort management software Event management software, restaurants, food and beverage and central kitchen management software, spa software, wholesale retail management Franchise management and other service businesses)

You can contact CiMSO ERP Software   for a short demonstration (free online) at 02-1296312 or  Marketingth@cimso.com .